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Credit: many of the outlines for the systematic theology lectures are reworked versions of Wayne Grudem’s outlines.
29. Creation: Putting It All Together
How can we make sense of Genesis 1? Several options that take the Bible seriously.
28. Creation: Myths, Meaning, and Reality
What’s the deal with Genesis 1 and 2. Did other cultures write similar stories?
27. Creation: Evidence For and Against Evolution
There is a lot of evidence to consider with respect to evolution. Some evidence seems to support the theory while some presents a challenge.
26. Creation: What Exactly Is Evolution?
We’re still in the evolution controversy. This week, we’ll look at what exactly evolutionary theory claims.
25. Creation: Do Miracles Muck with Science?
Theistic evolution is a controversial topic for many Christians, so let's just get our hands dirty and dig in!
24. Creation: How Does Science Work?
It's easy to think that science "just works" and scientists all know what they're doing, but how does science really work, and are there any questions science can't answer?
23. Creation: The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God!
Creation has been marred by sin, but it is still good!
22. Creation: Not All Religions Are the Same
Different religions believe different things about the nature of the universe. We shouldn’t smudge differences out just reduce social awkwardness.
21. Creation: Science isn’t your enemy
Everything that is true is so because God made it that way. Good science helps us figure out the truth.